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Embed a PDF viewer in your Weebly website with CloudPDF

We will walk through a few simple steps to embed the CloudPDF viewer in your Weebly website. If you didn't create a CloudPDF account yet, you can start by creating an account.

  1. When you are in your CloudPDF dashboard click on the "new" button and upload your first PDF file.
  1. After the PDF is successfully uploaded, right-click on the file to open the context menu. Click on the Embed in website button.
  1. Now click on the change permission button and make the document public.
  1. Toggle the publicly accessible button. This will make the PDF document visible to the visitors on your website.
  1. Copy the HTML snippet. You will use this snippet to display the uploaded PDF document on your Shopify store.
  1. Log back into your Weebly website and click on the button "Edit site"
  2. On the sidebar click "Show all elements " and drag the "Embed Code" widget to the place where you want the CloudPDF viewer to show up
Drag the "Embed Code" widget onto a page in Weebly
  1. Click on the new section that you have created
  2. Click on the button "Edit Custom HTML"
Button "Edit Custom HTML" on Weebly
  1. Paste the CloudPDF snippet into the text box
  1. Click outside the textbox and you will see that the PDF viewer will appear
  1. Now you can click "Publish" and the PDF viewer will be live on your website